Monday, July 30, 2007

God is awesome!!
Hold Fast to your Confession.

Last week Wednesday morning, while I was cranking up my car, I realized that I didn't have my wallet. Being in a rush, I dashed back in the house to get my wallet. I assumed I put it on my dresser. But it wasn't on the dresser, so I looked all over the house, which I really didn't have time. I was already running late for work. So I thought maybe, I left it at the store that I stopped to on my way home. I got back in my car and I went to work. I said to myself, "Well, I just call the store when it opens and ask if anyone found a wallet."

I must admit I was starting to worry, but one of the teachers I worked with, Joyce, reminded me to pray for my wallet to come back to me. She even told me about how her daughter lost her permit on a mission trip. Joyce's daughter prayed to God to return her permit. Then three days later, someone found it and gave it to her pastor.

When the store opened, I called and the manager told me that no one had found a wallet. I was cool. I just thought it's home in my house somewhere. I was in rush trying to find it, so I must have been overlooking it. I must tell you this. I didn't have any money in my wallet, which I rarely carry cash on me. But I did have my driver's license, library card, credit/debit card, and an ATM card. After I got off of work, and pick up my two boys, I went home to look for my wallet. No wallet. I went to the store that I last stopped to and asked the manager again. No wallet. Then the manager had the audacity to say, "If somebody was behind you, they probably got it. And you will never see that wallet again." I thought to myself the devil is a liar. I cast down what she said immediately. How dare she said that. Does she not know the kind of God that I serve.

I began to pray in my spirit for God to return my wallet to me. I went back home to call my bank to make sure there were no unauthorized charges on my account. There were none. Praise the Lord. I did not cancel my credit/debit card right away because I just thought my wallet was somewhere in my house. I checked my car inside-out. I had my kids looked all over the house. You be surprise how fast they can stuff when you offer to pay them to find whatever you're looking for. :)

The next morining (Thursday), I told my prayer group about me misplacing my wallet. We prayed and came into agreement that God will return my wallet. By Friday afternoon, I decided to cancel me and my husband's (Larry), bank cards. Please undersand that I did not doubt that God will return my wallet. I wanted to be wise because I did not want to risk someone else charging my bank card and have overdrawn purchases on my account. Everyday I was confessing my wallet back into my possession. I was holding fast to my confession of faith.

I told God I said it would be nice to have my wallet back soon. Therefore, I would not have to go through the process of standing in the long at the DMV to get another driver's license. Today, I told my assistant teacher (Liz), whom I am close friends with and live only about 2 minutes away from, that if I didn't have my wallet by tomorrow, I would go on Wednesday, after work, to get me another license. The last thing I needed was to get caught by the police driving with one.

About 2 hours after I got home today, my friend Liz called me and said, "Toia, guess what? My son and his friend found your wallet on the ground in the bushes while they were walking through your neighborhood."

I said, "For real! God, you are awesome! Hallelujah!" When she brought my wallet to my house, I looked through it and everything was in there, including my driver's license. I can't wait to go to work tomorrow and share this awesome praise report with my morning prayer group and fellow teachers.

I give all glory and honor to God. Great is the Lord and He is greatly to be praised. No matter what it looks like, you have authority in Jesus name to hold fast to your confession and believe that God is more than faithful to answer our prayers. Not one time I doubted God returning my wallet. I stood my ground. I did not tell everybody about me losing my wallet. I told only those who would immediately speak postive, not negative, words to my situation. Most importantly, I told those who can get a prayer through.

Let us hold fast the confession of [our] hope without wavering, for He who promised [is] faithful. (Hebrews 10:23)

NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)

Your Sister in Christ,

1 comment:

eph2810 said...

I love when He does things like that :) - How neat that you didn't had to get another driver's license.

Blessings to you and yours...