Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Things I Love.....

I was reading Loop De Loops and she did a meme about "Things You Love", which was started by Jen. It's not your ordinary love list like the usually, God, family, etc. It's the off the wall kind of love. You may even call them your guilty pleasures that you love so much and believe it to be the end of the world as you know it, if you have to live without them. So here's my list:

I love.......

1) it when it rains, while I am at home without having some place to go.

2) to watch my little girl sleep.

3) it when my two year old students' moms tell me how their child has learned so much since being in my class.

4) putting on my pj's and wrapping up in my favorite comforter.

5) making people laugh.

6) eating ice cream, preferably anything mixed with caramel, vanilla, & chocolate.

7) girl's scout cookies (Tagalongs, Do si Dos, & Samoas)

8) drinking hot chocolate on very, very cold evening.

9) to watch movies (comedy, romance, & action).

10) my remote control for my TV, Cable box, DVD

11) the wonders of DVR

12) not wandering or caring about what other people think about me.

There are so many other things I love, but I think I stop right here. If you did this meme, let me know so I can check it out.

Your Sister in Christ,



Melanie said...

1, 8, 9...woo hoo! I did this meme as well..LOL.
cotton support group unite! LOL

Kay Day said...

I love many of those same things!
I Love that we all are so unique and share similarities at the same time!

JCB said...

Very cool....