Tuesday, July 1, 2008

All Prayers Needed!!!

For the past few months, I piece of my gum over one tooth was swollen. At first I thought maybe it was something that I ate and it was caught up in or down in my gum. After a week it never went down. Then a week turn into weeks then into months.

It doesn't hurt or irritate me at all. So I think that's part of the reason why I put off going to the dentist for so long. I finally decided to make an appointment to see the dentist this past week. And apparently, that swollen little ball over my gum is a somewhat of a small tumor. Yikes...right!! I know. My dentist told me most likely its benign. However, once they remove it, which is tomorrow by the way, they will do a biopsy just confirm that it is benign.

I'm not scare, but I'm not looking forward to the procedure at all. Because once they cut it off the root of my tooth will be expose. I will have to wait for the gum to grow back. And if it doesn't, they will do a procedure called gum grafting. If you think that is bad, I won't be able to brush my teeth for about a week. How gross is that?? Yuck!!! But they will give me prescription for this special mouthwash so that I won't have bad breath. Last but not least I won't be able to talk. If I try to talk, I have to barely open my mouth and move my lips. All of that is what so overwhelming.

So please pray for me that I won't be in so much pain, overwhelm, frustrated, and aggitated. Most importantly, that the biopsy comes out benign and that the procedure and recovery run smoothly and fast.

Thanks in advance for all the prayers. If I am not in too much pain, I wll give you an update tomorrow or as soon as I am able to do so.

Your Sister un Christ,



Dawn said...

I will definitely say a prayer for you! What a difficult situation, but I know God will get you through this.

Thanks for visiting my blog, and I do hope that you will be back! :-)

Jan Parrish said...

Toia, praying for the procedure to go well, for the tumor to be benign, for quick healing and for peace of mind. ((h)))

Not talking would be the hardest part for me.

Darlene Franklin said...

I had a similar problem with one of my front teeth back when ... Saying a prayer.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

Randi Jo :) said...

you got it! love ya!

Reva said...

I am Brenda's sister and I decided to come check you out. Yes, you are right to ask for prayer of friends and family.
They are all that kept me alive when my body slowly died while I was in a coma 2 years ago. My family and friends were by my bedside day and night, praying and talking to me so I could feel their love. The doctors gave up but I made it anyway.
Then, a year and 1/2 ago, I was told that I had less than 20% chance of surviving 2 years if they didn't do something. Again, family came through with their prayers and love and the docs got me on a special medicine that is keeping me going. Now I am stronger and doing things and going places again. At least now my time is unknown and faith is keeping me here.
So...why not you and yours? Don't worry and I know you will be loved and you will be prayed for and taken good care of.

Diane@Diane's Place said...

By now you should already have had your surgery, so I pray it went well and that you're recovering nicely with no pain and that the tumor was benign.

