Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thankful Thursday ~ Dreams and Aspirations

I am thankful for God giving me dreams and aspirations to want to do something that would beneficial to my family as well as His people. I never want to settle for less. It's a blessing to have a goal or something to look towards. Dreams and aspirations give you hope and a destination. It's even more exciting when you know it was God who place such a glorious dream on your heart that can bring glory to His Holy Name.

Where there is no vision, the people of God will perish.

What's Your dream????

Stop by Thankful Thursday's host, Iris @ Grace Alone



Denise said...

Praying that all your dreams come true sweetie.

From the Heart said...

Your thankfuls and dreams are a great blessing and I'm sure you will continue to be a blessing to all of us.

LisaShaw said...

Amen! Beautifully shared Toia! I pray that all the LORD has for you to do and be for His glory that you'd grab hold and enjoy the journey for you are HIS!

Blessings to you and your family!