Dear Heavenly Father,
I thank you so much for Your word. It holds so much truth. Your word is the kind of word that I can build my foundation on and put in my whole trust. I stand on Your word in Isaiah 55. I accept wholeheartedly Your invitation to abundant life.
I will incline my ear to Your and apply it to my everday life. For Your thoughts are not my thoughts, Nor are my ways Your ways. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are Your ways higher than my ways,and Your thoughts than my thoughts, (Isaiah 55:8-9). With your word, I will look beyond and think beyond what the world says is impossible.
Your word is fruitful and powerful. At all times, it will serve it's purpose. Thank you so much Lord for providing me with a manual, basic instructions on how to live a life pleasing in your sight. Just as it says in Isaiah 55:11,
"So shall My word be that goes
forth from My mouth; It shall not
return to Me void, but it shall
accomplish what I please,
and it shall prosper in the
thing for which I sent it."
Heavenly Father, I know that when you say something that I can believe it and not waver in faith when it comes to Your holy word. I thank You. I praise You and honor Your word in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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Beautiful prayer!
I like your prayers especially the one at the end. You enspire me.
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