Today, Wisdom Word Wednesday is about having the wisdom to understand and acknowledge that Jesus is our rock. He is the solid rock on which we should stand. "On Christ the solid rock I stand; All other ground is sinking sand," (from My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less Hymn).
In the dictionary, rock means firm foundation, support, unchangeable, and steadfast. Through Jesus, our salvation in God is unshakable, unchangeable, and unwavering. It's a firm foundation that will never crack, break down, or erode away. When something is firm, that means it doesn't yield under pressure.
As long as we allow Jesus to be our solid rock, He is not going to allow us to yield during our pressing times. He will not allow our foot to be moved. Furthermore, we won't waver in our faith in our understanding of Him, especially when the enemy sends fiery darts our way.
You can stand secure on His promises. In the midst of your standing, you don't have to worry about your strong and mighty Rock eroding from underneath you. Amen and Amen.

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