Bible Verse of the Day

Bible Verse of the Day:


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wisdom Word Wednesday ~ Prosper


Happy Hump-Day!! Our themed scripture for this week is 3 John 2. For this Wisdom Word Wednesday, the word is prosper. Sometimes people tend to look at prosperity through materialistic things. But prosperity is three-fold. 

However, you can't experience true prosperity until you have God in your life. Before you can have prosperity, you must have a priority. And that priority has to be God. A relationship with God must come before any and everything else.

"But seek first the kingdom of God
and His righteousness, and all these
things shall be added to you,"
(Matthew 6:33). 

When you put God first, everything else we need or may want follows. Prosper means to help on the road or succeed in reaching whatever you set out to accomplish. There is no doubt that God wants His children to prosper.

"However, prosperity should not be the end in itself. It ought to be the result of a quality of life, commitment, dedication, and action that is in line with God's word. Divine an ongoing progressing state of success and well-being. It is intended for every area of lives: the spiritual, the physical and emotional, and the material. We must maintain a balance." - The New Spirit-Filled Bible

We must be wise to realize that true prosperity comes from God.  Blessings to you always.



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