Monday, October 11, 2010

Fellowshipping ~ There's Nothing like it!!

Wow!!!! It's been about a week since my last post. But it was for a great reason.....fellowship. This past weekend was my church's 23rd anniversary. With that being said, my church choir was scheduled to sing for all three services. So, we had to spend time together because of choir practice. Then, we came back together to sing for our 23rd anniversary. Because of that, we came together in praise and worship two days in row!! (Loved it!!!) And it is something when you can fellowship and get connected with your brothers and sisters in Christ without any hidden agendas, but simply for the love of our Lord and Savior!!

I love singing on the choir. It's a perfect opportunity to spend time with each other and catch up. Whereas under normal circumstances, we only have a enough time just to say, "Hi!" and "Bye!". Part of my church's motto is "Doing Life Together." And that's what fellowship is all about..."Doing Life Together."

The Greek word for fellowship is koinonia (koy-nohn-ee-ah). It means sharing, unity, close association, partnership, participation, a society, a communion, contributory, the brotherhood (the sisterhood). I love the idea of fellowship means unity and a brother/sisterhood. That's exactly what is....being brothers and sisters in Christ (joint heirs to God's Kingdom)...a family.

Everytime we get together at my church, it's feel like a big family reunion...without the electric slide (LOL!). Fellowshipping is an important part of growing as a person of the Spirit. We cannot forsake assembling of ourselves together (Hebrews 10:25). In true fellowship, you can see the manifestation of Christ's love, especially if we are gathering together in His Name and in works of love.

So, if you're not connected.....Get connected!! You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain...and that is.....a great family (if they are anything like my church family.)



Heart2Heart said...


We are looking for a church very much like yours. I think ours has grown too large to see the smallest details in the church members.

So glad that yours makes you feel like a part of a family.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Rebecca said...

I am THRILLED to meet you! We share much - including joy in the fellowship within our churches. Even though we're a small church, we meet in smaller Home Connections every two weeks. We share a meal, prayer, and a brief challenge from the Word. The more times we meet, the more sweet it is to "do life together."

I also enjoy the fellowship available on these blogs! I think it is a WEE taste of heaven to discover I'm surrounded and supported by an invisible "family". I feel blessed indeed!

Jacquelyn Stager said...

your post here is an example of how I felt about missing being together with my church family! Thanks for stopping by my place and for your loving comment. God is so good! I don't know if you've seen my "other" blog, but I'm doing a series you might enjoy, based on your profile description Toia. To the previous commenter, Kat, 3500 people come through our church doors every weekend. And we have other campuses with live internet last post (I am a friend of God) testifies that God knows the smallest details and He is more than able to zero in on them and use willing servants no matter how large a congregation is.
It's really not the size, it's the condition of the hearts...Sorry for my added comments :) Have a wonderful day!

From the Heart said...

Sounds great. We use to have Bible studies and when you get to the koinoia stage you are really connected and feel you can share things that normally you wouldn't. You can trust the ones your with to help you and not work against you.

Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Hello Toia,
So nice to meet you here in blogland,
thanks so much for coming by and leaving your sweet comments today,
it blessed my heart!!
Fellowship is so important to our lives, and this was a great post on that point. Very nice.
Thanks to for praying for my sister,
Mary. We don't know God's plans but I sure am happy we can pray and know the Lord knows what is best.
and you are right there is nothing to big or small for Jesus. He can
handle anything!! Praise His Name!!
Concerning the cleaning, I was laughing when you said about where is the maid when you need her, and I always say I keep waiting on the good fairy to show up, and she never does.... but then I realized I am the Good Fairy!! lol
Poo!! lol
Just think there will be no cleaning in heaven!! Repeat that with me 10 times, it will transport us right to Heaven here on earth!! lol
Thanks so much for coming by today,
it is always nice to meet new blogging friends, especially when they are sisters in Christ.
See ya again soon,
Blessings, Nellie

Janet said...


Thanks for stopping over and visiting my BLOG.

Fellowship is so important so I glad you are doing a lot of it.

I enjoyed reading your BLOG and I will be back for more.


Anonymous said...

Seems like a lost art in some ways. I agree about the family reunion part too. I think that's the way it should be.

Jackie said...

Hey Toia!

We are also so blessed to be knit into a fellowship much like yours!! PTL!!

You are so right....the strength and encouragement we gain as we fellowship and share life together with no hidden agenda but simply loving and enjoying our Lord together is the way it should be in the entire Body of Christ!

Oh and I love the electric slide part!!! lol!!
