Thursday, July 5, 2012

Quench Your Thirst Thursday ~ Blessings By: Laura Story

water glass2

I hope everyone had a wonderful and fun-filled 4th of July. Mine? It was great. I really enjoyed spending time with the hubby and children. I think my husband loved the fact that he was able to break in his new gril. Notice the cheesy grin on his face in the picture below.

Now for today's Quench Your Thirst Thursday, I came across this song by accident. I was searching for another song and this popped up. I think it was God hinting to me to use it for today's post. It's called Blessings by Laura Story. And this song is exactly that....a blessing. And it is a perfect fit for this week's theme of not being anxious and worrying. The lyrics are included in the video. So enjoy!!!



From the Heart said...

I wrote a comment but when I hit publish it went so fast I'm not sure you got it. So you may have two from me. I enjoyed the song and so glad you have a great 4th with your family. We will be going Saturday to my DH's brothers for a yearly family gathering. It will be food, talking and singing. He has a large family and a lot of them are very talented including my grandson who just finished his 1st year of college.

Rashida Singh said...

What a beautiful Blog! I glad your husband enjoyed breaking in his new grill! LOL Have a bless day in Jesus:)