********Please note:
Key Verses or passages are highlighted and/or categorized by a number.
*Click on the highlighted verses to see it's application on the Daily Living page.
*Click on the highlighted numbers to see what category or subject each verse falls
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*Unless stated otherwise, all bible verses are New King James Version.
Let's get started. 😊 Commit your works to the Lord,
and your thoughts will be established." (Proverb 16:3) 1
Commit means to obligate, bind;
[Hebrew (galal: pronounced gaw-lal') Strong's# 1556]
to roll down, roll away, and remove.
*Roll your works into God's care.
*Visualize a camel burdened with a heavy load. When it's time to remove it, the camel kneels down, tilts far to one side, and rolls off the load.
Note: If you commit your plans, turn all of it over to God, you will succeed.
*Set your heart on the Lord. Intentionally commit all your plans to God daily. Trust Him and wait patiently for Him.
*To commit ourselves to the Lord means entrusting everything, our lives, families, jobs, possessions, dreams, goals, and plans, to His control and guidance.
*To commit ourselves to the Lord means to trust in Him, believing that He can care for us better than we can ourselves. We should be willing to wait patiently for Him to work out what is best for us.
*There are different ways to fail to commit whatever we do to the Lord.
1) Some people commit their work only superficially. They say the project is being done for the Lord, but in reality they are doing it themselves.
2) Others give God temporary control of their interests, only to take control back the moment things stop going the way they expect.
3) Still others commit task fully to the Lord, but put forth no effort themselves, and then they wonder why they do not succeed.
Note: We must maintain a delicate balance trusting God as if everything depended on Him, while working as if everything depended on us.
There is a process to maintaining the balance of trusting God.
Commit >>>>> Roll Over >>>>> Cast
In part of 2 of this series, we are going to begin with defining the word cast and digging a little deeper.
The Complete Bible Study for Commit, Follow, and Lead is HERE.
Click HERE to see my personal List of Bible Study Tools and Resources that I used to help me dig a little deeper in God's Word.
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