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Key Verses or passages are highlighted and/or categorized by a number.
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*Unless stated otherwise, all bible verses are New King James Version.
Let's get started. 😊In part 1 of this series, we ended with the process of maintaining the balance of trusting God. Cast is part of the process.
Maintaining the balance of trusting God Process:
Commit >>>>> Roll Over >>>>> Cast
Cast means to throw off or away; to get rid of; discard something unwanted; shed. Look at it from this point of view, a snake casts off its old skin to make way for new growth. And we cast (throw away) our trash into bins to clear our living spaces of clutter and waste.
If you want to grow and declutter your spirit, then cast throw, fling your burdens on the Lord. Do not hold onto them yourself. God is able to take your burdens, your desires as well as your troubles and carry them for you.
God wants us to give our burdens to Him, but often we continue to bear them ourselves even when we say, "We are trusting Him." Give God your burdens, your cares, your anxieties, your worries; And know with full confidence that He will care for you.
Man is commanded to do one thing, then God will do two things. Never is there a promise without a condition. Christians are in the habit of magnifying the promises and ignoring the terms of their fulfillment. Then when the promises are not fulfilled they murmur and complain. To cast one's burdens on the Lord is refreshing.
Remember: The Lord is the one constant in life and the one True Friend. He can always bear the burden.
In the Bible, there are examples abound of faith in God regardless of circumstances. Though situations arise that seem overwhelming, hopeless, oppressive, and fearful, we should look to God as our refuge.
Bottom Line: We need to learn to leave our burdens in God's hands, not fretting in the least as to the outcome. When we do this, God will sustain us.
sustain [Hebrew word: chul; Strong's# 3557] - to maintain, nourish,
provide food, bear, hold up, protect, support, defend,
to supply the means necessary for living; to contain,
to hold, to receive
Trust the same strength that sustains you to carry your cares also.
In part 3, we are continuing the series by digging a little deeper in Philippians 4:6.
The Complete Bible Study for Commit, Follow, and Lead is HERE.
Click HERE to see my personal List of Bible Study Tools and Resources that I used to help me dig a little deeper in God's Word.
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