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Let's get started. 😊We are going to continue the series by exploring Philippians 4:6 a little further.
Anxious [Greek word: merimnao; Strong's# 3309] a distraction;
a preoccupation with things causing anxiety, stress, and
pressure; experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness,
typically about something with an uncertain outcome
*Jesus speaks against worry and anxiety because of the watchful care of a Heavenly Father who is ever mindful of our daily needs.
*Prayer and peace are closely connected. One who entrusts cares to Christ instead of fretting over them will experience the peace of God to guard them from nagging anxiety. (see also Philippians 4:7)
*Pray about circumstances instead of worrying over them. (Be anxious for nothing.)
*Commit your problems, anxieties to God in prayer (instead of worrying about them) trusting that He will provide deliverance.
*Imagine never worrying about anything. It seems like an impossibility; we all have worries on the job, in our homes, at school. But Paul's advice is to turn our worries into prayers.
Question: Do you want to worry less?
If the answer is "yes", then, pray more. Whenever you start to worry, STOP and PRAY.
*Do not tolerate anxiety or worry for it will injure your own souls. God alone can help you and He will do it if you will pray about everything that happens and give thanks for everything.
In part 4 of this series, we are going give 10 tips to encourage you not to worry.
The Complete Bible Study for Commit, Follow, and Lead is HERE.
Click HERE to see my personal List of Bible Study Tools and Resources that I used to help me dig a little deeper in God's Word.
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