Monday, January 21, 2008

Lazy Monday

Since it's Martin Luther King Day, all schools are closed in my area. Sometimes it feels weird having a 3 day weekend vs a two day. But, I don't have any complaints. I consider this an opportunity to relax, relate and release. Right now, I declare this day to be lazy Monday. Besides, what can be better than having a fridge full of food and snacks, curling up on a comfy sofa with your favorite blanket, and watching a movie or two, especially when its very cold outside. If you happen to have a day off today like me, embrace every minute of it. So that you can be very relax and refresh for work tomorrow. Have a blessed day or evening.

Your Sister in Christ

1 comment:

mica said...

Hi!Found you at WW!Anyways. I like Mondays to be relaxing too!