Saturday, January 19, 2008

Time Flies - But Does it Have to?

The last time I post something on my blog was in July 2007. The crazy thing is that it does not seem like it's been that long. It's been approxiamately 5 months. But to me, it only seems like a few weeks. That just go to show you how fast time flies. I know a lot of you can agree with me when I say that 24 hours in a day do not seem like enough time. However, in reality, it's more than enough time. I guess it's just how we manage our time. If you wrote down everything you did in a day, you be surprise how much extra time you have.

Sometimes I feel like I don't have enough time to pray. However, I catch myself having enough time to sit for a hour or two to watch a movie or a favorite TV show of mine. You see, that hour or two I used to watch a television show or a movie could have been used for studying/reading my bible and praying.

My thing this year (2008) is to make and find time to give to God. I realize that when I find time and set it aside for God, it's easier for me to lay my head on my pillow and go to sleep. I am at peace with myself. Imagine if God did not have time to hear our prayers or to heal us when we are sick or pour out blessings when needed. It will be a travesty.

Matthew 6:33 said it best - "Seek Him first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added upon you." One of those things could be time. If you seek God first, all the time that you need will be added to your day. When you sow in time to God, you reap more time. If you sow in no time to God, you have no time to reap. There fore, it seems like you don't have any time to spare, which will leave you feeling like your day is in total and complete disaster and unorganized.

If we do not give our time to God, it leave our time out in the open and ready for the taken by the devil himself. His main objective is to kill, steal and destroy everything that we hold dear. And believe or not time is precious. But when we give our time to God, the devil can't steal it because he does not have the authority or the power to take it. A lot of you may say, "Hmmm, I never thought of it that way."

I challenge you to give your schedule to God. Write a list of everything you have to do each day the night or day before. For example, things that you need to do on Monday, write it on Sunday. Beside each task on your list, write the time you plan to do it and approximately how long it will take to perform your task. Make sure that your list include some praying time and some bible study time. Even if you start off by setting aside 30 minutes for praying and bible studying. At least that's something. If you're faithful over 30 minutes, God will increase your time as He sees fit. Remember, if you do not how to give God at least 15 minutes, there's no way you can just give an hour out of the blue. It's a process. As it is said in Numbers, it's best not to make a vow than to make a vow and not keep it.

I pray that you give God the time that is needed for Him to increase in your life. Take it one day at a time. If by chance, you miss a day of not praying or reading your bible. Don't beat yourself over the head and think that you are doomed to hell. Just repent and start fresh. It doesn't matter how many times you fall as long as you get up and dust yourself off and try again. If you first don't succeed, dust yourself off and try, try, try, and try again.

I pray that you have encouragement and upliftment in your spirit after reading this entry. Feel free to check out my website -

Your Sister in Christ.

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