Friday, October 17, 2008

There's Nothing LIke A Good Laugh Friday ~ : D


God looks over the millions of people and says, "Welcome to Heaven. I want the women to go with Saint Peter, and the men to form two lines. Make one line of the men that dominated their women on earth, and the other of men who were dominated by their women."

There's much movement, but eventually the women are gone and there are two lines. The line of the men that were dominated is 100 miles long. The line of men that dominated women has only one man.

God gets angry and says, "You men should be ashamed of yourselves. I created you in my image and you were all dominated by your mates. Look at the only one of my sons that stood up and made me proud. Learn from him!"

He turns to the man and says, "Tell them, my son. How did you manage to be the only one on that line?"

The man says, "I don't know, my wife told me to stand here."



A fellow finds himself in front of the Pearly Gates. St. Peter explains that it's not easy to get into heaven.

There are some criteria that must be met before entry is allowed.

For example, were you a church-goer or religious? No?

St. Peter told him that's bad.

Were you generous, giving money to the poor or to charities? No?

St. Peter told him that that, too, was bad.

Did you do any good deeds, such as helping his neighbor? Anything? No?

St. Peter was becoming concerned.

Exasperated,the Saint says,"Look, everybody does something nice sometime. Work with me, here! I'm trying to help. Now think!"

The man thinks for a minute, then says, "Well, I did help this old lady once. I came out of a store and saw that a dozen Hell's Angels had taken her purse and were shoving her around. I threw my bags down and got her purse back, then I told the biggest biker there that he was cowardly and I spat in his face."

"Wow," said St. Peter, "That's impressive! When did this happen?"

"Oh, about 15 minutes ago," replied the man.


I hope you had a good laugh. Have a bless weekend!!

Your Sister in Christ,



Ruthie said...

Those were funny. I got a good laugh from them.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I looked through yours and I love the photo of the little boy praying. That's very special.

Jan Parrish said...

LOL. Oh, I see my mom beat me to your blog. LOL. Have a great weekend.

Rebekah said...

Ha! Thanks for the laugh and smile!

Cascia Talbert said...

I loved your funny stories! You have a great blog. Keep it up! God bless you!