Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Politics can be such a touchy subject. One thing for sure....I am neither a Republican, a Democrat, nor Independent. I am a Dependent. That is truly depending on God to instill in my heart on who to vote for. In an election like this, you can't simply go with your own ambitions.

Now, whomever God place on my heart to vote for, I am not going to go out of my way to discredit the other candidate. That's not my place. I believe God is not going to put the same candidate on everyone's heart. That's why I can't go about making and passing judgements on any candidate. If God place on my heart to vote for candidate A, it's not my job (unless God says otherwise) to make sure everyone else vote for candidate A. I don't know what God might have place on your heart. He could tell you to vote for candidate B.

Discrediting presidential candidates, in my opinion, is no different than the people in the bible trying to discredit the woman of adultery. It is not our place to judge. Everyone have faults or flaws in one form or the other. Before you address someone's flaws, it's best to make sure the beam is out of your eye. Otherwise, you will not get a clear perspective. As a result, you're casting stones, when none is needed to be cast. "Let he who have not sin, cast the first stone." Or as a friend of mine use to say, "Don't come washing dishes in my house, when you have a sink full of your own."

No matter what, in the end God's will is going to be done. If you don't do anything else, just pray. God has a plan for everything. Somethings are not for us to understand. His thoughts and ways are higher than ours. He is the Alpha and the Omega. God is in the midst of this election.

Your Sister in Christ,


Randi Jo :) said...

hey girl! I DO understand what you're saying and agree...

BUT I do believe that we as christians are called to "judge" as in "discern" especially our leaders we elect. Not judging as in looking only for the bad, condemning, having an overly critical spirit.... BUT judging as in discerning what is right and Truth or not.

I am going to be doing a huge long post on politics - and I just wanted you to know that I DO know what you're saying here. but I also believe it is our job to stick up for Truth as we know it in our hearts. I am going to share a lot of my opinions - but I am going to do whatever I can to do it in a way full of mercy & compassion.

love u!

Toia said...

Randi - I agree that we should have the discernment of spirit in this election and everything else. And I totally agree about stick up for God's Truth and not our own personal truth. Looking forward to reading your post on politics.

Randi Jo :) said...

hey girl - I knew that you agreed with discernment - you taught me a bit about that through your posts last year.

I am sure that my views are extremely personal but they are based on my biblical beliefs.

much of my post (dissertation) is not, "christian" issues - but since politics are an application of theology, they are personal convictions from my theology based on the Word of God.... but I do undersatnd that different people with different experiences & backgrounds will have differing opinions. and that's okay

I will not be offended at all if you don't read my HUGE long post hahaha it is so long and really just a place to try to figure out what it is I believe --- there's so much grey area when it comes to applying our theology to our culture. I know so little about politics.

anyway :) love ya and I appreciate so much your voice & input.