Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday's Graphic

In honor of the Super Bowl Game last night,
I would like to congratulate the Pittsburg Steelers
on their 6th super bowl win. Personally,
I was rooting for the Cardinals. Only because
I always like to cheer for the underdogs.
Please understand I am not exactly a die
hard football fan. I only watch football when
it's the super bowl championship. However,
at the same time, I have to give respect
where respect is due. So, Congratulations to the
Pittsburg Steelers -
The Super Bowl XLIII Champions!!

Your Sister in Christ,


A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

I was probably the only one "not" watching the game. The ordeal is over and now my breathing is back to normal. I am back to loving Monday's. "For now, anyway."

Thanks for your encouraging words of wisdom and I've missed your smile.

Congrats to Pittsburg.

Love, peace and blessings for a great week!

Myriam said...

I guess I will go with you and say 'Congrats' but I do not watch Football 1. I don't understand it and 2. I may have a heart attack watching them jump over another they way they do.

Happy Monday!

Salute said...

I am not really into watching football. But my husband went with the Cardinal, and to be team player with my husband I went with them also. I know it was a very good game.

nomore said...

thanks for visiting my blog!!

not much of a football fan myself, but I too was rooting for the underdog myself :O)

love the music here!