Bible Verse of the Day

Bible Verse of the Day:


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Word-Filled Wednesday ~ Psalm 102:1


This psalm was written for those who are afflicted or overwhelm with so many things that they just have to pour out their hearts and cry out before the Lord. Throughout the bible you can read many scriptures based on joy. Or even read one of my favorite scriptures on joy from James 1:2,"count it all joy when you fall into various trials,".

Before there can be joy, there has to be a cry. In God's eyes, crying is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of humility and strength. When you cry and pour your heart out to God, that's when you began to feel a releasing in your spirit and weights or burden are being lifted off your shoulders. Crying can come in your darkest hour and the lowest point of your life, esepcially when facing an overwhelming obstacle.

Once you cry a good cry, then joy comes. "Weeping may endure for a night, But joy [comes] in the morning," (Psalm 30:5). God knows our hearts and hears our cries. We just have to trust Him that everything will work for good.

Scriptures relating to crying out to the Lord:

"Hear my prayer, O LORD, And give ear to my cry; Do not be silent at my tears;" - (Psalm 39:12)

"Hear a just cause, O LORD, Attend to my cry; Give ear to my prayer [which is] not from deceitful lips." - (Psalm 17:1)

"Hear, O LORD, [when] I cry with my voice! Have mercy also upon me, and answer me." - (Psalm 27:7)

"I cry out with [my] whole heart; Hear me, O LORD! I will keep Your statutes." - (Psalm 119:145)

For more Word-Filled Wednesday check out


Your Sister in Christ,
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Amydeanne said...

oh that's so precious!
Great post today Toia! hugs!

RCUBEs said...

It might be hard when we go through trials but what a joy to know that there is hope at the end of it, that there is "joy" after sorrow...To God be the glory! This is a very timely post because there are so many hurting at this time, if not myself, my loved ones and friends that I know. May God of comfort bless them all. God bless you sister.

From the Heart said...

Great scriptures and the picture is perfect.
From the heart,

Denise said...

Such a precious verse and picture.

Joyfull said...

Great post about the importance of our cry. Thanks for sharing today.

Susan said...


Oh, what a precious idea!!! Loved your thought on this too.

Have a blessed WFW♥

Anonymous said...

What a great visual for that verse! I feel on the verge of tears at times, but haven't had a good cry for a while. It's good to know that joy comes in the morning. :)

Mary Timme said...

This is always a good Psalms! Thanks.

Cathy said...

Precious little baby ~ thank God He hears our cries.

lori said...

Girl, I'm a day late getting over here, but THIS is great!! We all need to scream like this sometimes....


Jean Stockdale said...

I am just now catching up on some blog hopping to see others posts. You have a great site and I love your picture and your insights. Thanks for sharing.

I am hosting "5 Things Friday" on my blog at and I hope you will stop by and play along. Blessings.

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Hey little sister, where are you? Missed your HAPPY MONDAY! I had a great day yesterday and thought of you! Hope and pray that all is well. Love you and know that I'm always praying for you and with you!

Love and hugs

Joyfulsister said...

Hi Sis, just dropping by to say hello, I have missed you and just praying all is well.

HUgz Lorie

LisaShaw said...

Toia, I saw in your posts above that you are slowly getting back into blogging so welcome back.

I pray all is well with you and your family. At times a blog break is necessary so I pray you are feeling well and refreshed and that your children are doing well in school.

I pray for a great school year for all of you.

Love the photo and of course the WORD. I often have looked just like that baby when I go to GOD with my cares KNOWING He has everything worked out it calms my soul and I rejoice.


Lots of love and blessings.