Monday, July 26, 2010

Happy Monday!!!!

Monday is not exactly everyone's favorite day of the week. Monday means it's time to start the week work again or for others it's time to recycle that hectic Monday through Friday schedule. There are some people who decide how the rest of their week is going to be, whether it's a good or bad one, depending on how their Monday turns out. It's the beginning of the end, sort of speak.

However, we should not have to dread Monday as often as we do. If anything we should embrace it. Since Monday is sort of the hardest day of the week to get through (for some it is), maybe we should double up on our God time. For example, add an extra five minutes (or more) to your prayer time. Write some warfare scriptures on index cards and read them every Monday before starting the day or even Sunday night before bed time. How about cranking up your praise and worship songs louder than normal....just shouting and praising to the Lord with a voice of triumph!!!

Mondays (or any other day for that matter) doesn't have to be as bad or as hard we tend to make it. We should rejoice in every day that the Lord has made and be glad in it!!! If we focus on the Monday (just the day itself) and not on God and what He has for us to do as far as being a blessing to someonne, we would miss a glorious opportunity because we are caught up in the...."Aaarrrgggghhh, it's Monday again!!!" syndrome.

I know this attitude towards Mondays may not exactly change overnight. It's a work in progress. However, it's a free will choice to acknowledge it and decide whether or not if this is an area you want or need to improve. Attitude is everything, especially when you're representing the Kingdom of God.

I pray this post has been a blessing to you and that you would look at Mondays from a whole new and different perspective. Blessings to you and HAPPY MONDAY!!!

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Wanda said...

Great tips Toia. I'll have to use some of these to combat the "time to make the donuts, again" blues :)

He & Me + 3 said...

Amen...very good word for Monday. Since I don't work...mondays are like any other day, but when school is in session, we do dread them just a bit :) But God is good all the time and each day with Him is blessed.