Friday, August 3, 2012

Feel Free Friday ~ BELIEVE who you are in Jesus


Well, you made it to Friday!! Hallelujah....Whoop whoop!! If you had one of those weeks where wish that Calgon would just take you away, well I pray and hope next week will be better.

Today's Feel Free Friday is short and sweet. And that is, Feel Free to BELIEVE!! Believe who God said you are in Christ Jesus. Believe that He called you by name. BELIEVE that He hand-picked you to be part of a chosen generation. BELIEVE that you are royalty.....a royal priesthood.

BELIEVE that you are a member of a holy nation. BELIEVE you are special to Him. And BELIEVE you are fearfully and wonderfully made. God doesn't make mistakes. Therefore, Him choosing you to partake in the blessings of His Heavenly not!!




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