Sunday, March 2, 2008

Extra!! Extra!! Read all about!!!

Randi Jo is doing an awesome series on forgiveness and so much more. It's broken down into 4 parts.

1. Forgiven, Redeemed, Freed!
2. Love & Forgiveness in Relationships
3. Mercy & Love not Condemnation
4. These Relationship Truths applied to Marriage.

It's awesome. Check it out. You will truly be bless.

Your Sister in Christ,


Melanie said...

Love it!

Randi Jo :) said...

Thank you so so so so so so so much for your encouragement. I can't even express how much you all have been a blessing to me! People come into our lives at exactly the right time don't they!?

THANK YOU for the very special words in my comments - and now here on your blog. I am so humbled that God has given me such a full heart so share!

Thank you again! I treasure your words and appreciate them so much! You all challenge me!! and so much of what I wrote was because of what I had soaked up from YOU ALL!!

All credit must be given to God - these are His lessons we learn --- He just allows them to be revealed to us!!

God's word is so REAL, applicable, encouraging, uplifting, and free-ing isn't it!??!!

Let us sharpen each other with His Truth!!!!
Thanks for you!!

Melanie said...

Happy Monday! Hope you had a GREAT weekend. It is my last week in Colorado..Busy week!!

Rebekah said...

Amen!!! I am loving it, Toia, and I read it at just the perfect time.