Saturday, March 22, 2008

Silly Saturday - Meme of Fives

I was tagged by Melanie to a meme of fives. So here it is...

1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.

2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.

3. At the end of the post the player than tags 5 people and posts their names, than goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they done got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.

What was I doing 10 years ago? 1998

1. Giving Birth to my son, Michael

2. Living in an apartment

3. Moving

4. Missing my Uncle Jerry's Funeral (in the hospital giving birth to Michael on the same day)

5. Starting a new job

Snacks I enjoy.....

1. Yogurt covered raisins

2. Sweet and Salty Bars made by Nature Valley

3. Oatmeal Raisin cookies

4. Homemade chocolate brownies

5. Pop Tarts

5 Things on my to-do list today.....

1. wash dishes

2. workout - I'm in dire need of getting rid of this junk in my trunk :)

3. relaxing

4. clean my room

5. grocery shopping

Things I would do if I were a billionaire....

1. Build a two-story home with 6 rooms, library, office, big kitchen, indoor/outdoor pool (the works)

2. Tithe 10% to my church

3. Buy my mom a car and home

4. Send my brother to college

5. Give and help out communities in need

Five of my bad Habits

1. Procrastinate when it comes to housework

2. Saying no to sweets especially when I'm trying to lose weight

3. Don't drink as much water as I should

4. Ride my car on empty before putting anymore gas in it

5. Never close the door to the dishwasher after getting a dish out of it

Five Places I lived......

1. New Jersey

2. Columbia, SC

3. Summerville, SC

4. Charleston, SC

5. my mother's womb (but I was evicted after nine months :)

Five Jobs I had.....

1. Holiday Inn Customer Service Rep

2. Attendance Specialist

3. Bell Atlantic Rep

4. Cashier at Carlton Cards

5. Preschool Teacher (current)

I tagged...

1. Jan (Bold & Free)
2. Kay (Loop De Loops)
3. AJ (Romantic Suspense)
4. The Bluest Butterfly (Virtual Coffee Shop)

Your Sister in Christ,


Melanie said...

Those sweet and salty bars are oh so good! More like a mini dessert!!

Thanks for playing ~ always love learning more about you!

Kay Day said...

Thanks! I've actually already been tagged, but I will link back to both of you!
It was fun reading your answers!

Randi Jo :) said...

I enjoyed reading about you! We have some things in common...

I also lived in Jersey as you can see (for 18 years!)...I definitely would love a dream house like that too with all the works!...I've got junk in my trunk that needs removing! :)

Jan Parrish said...

I'm working on blogging this. :)