Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Words of Wisdom Wednesday

For the LORD gives wisdom;
From His mouth come knowledge and understanding;
He stores up sound wisdom for the upright;
He is a shield to those who walk uprightly;
He guards the paths of justice,
And preserves the way of His saints.

(Proverbs 2:6-8)

Today is more important than ever before to start your quest for wisdom, if you have not already. Compare to 8, 10, even 20 years ago, there are so many things and people, presently, who can influence us (Christians) in a way that will poison our relationship with God.

For example, the internet. If you are not careful there are many websites that promote pornography, drugs, witchcraft, premarital sex, and everything else that is contrary to word of God and Godly living. Another example is there are many celebrities who project an image in a way, if you're not careful, that makes you think that you don't need Jesus as long as you have your "bling, bling" and a huge fan base.

And there's the sex industry. The sex industry gives you an idea that basically says, "It's okay to have sex with as many people you like, whether you're marry or not. It's only naturally."

And I say, "Phooey, on them, what a bunch of hogwash!!" Traps like these are easy to fall into, if you are not wise. My bible tells me that my God can supply all my needs according to His riches in glory. And that Jesus came so that we may have life and have it in abundance. And if you are still not convince, My God can do the exceedingly, abundantly, far above I can ever ask or think. So, you don't need the world to create a mirage to show, in their eyes, what Godly living is suppose to be like. That's what the bible is for your Basic Instructions Before Leavine Earth.

So, before the devil can call himself trying to trap me, it's going to be God's wisdom from His word that's going to allow me to be careful in every decision I make and every word I speak out of my mouth. Whereas, I won't become ignorant to satan's devices and get caught in his traps.

Bottomline, the world cannot give you wisdom. True and genuine wisdom comes solely from God. Along with that comes knowledge and understanding from His mouth straight into your heart, which is where wisdom is stored.

That's why it is so important to try to read your bible daily. When I say read your bible, I don't mean in a sense of like you are reading a mere fairytale, because everything that you read in the bible is 100% truth. But as you read, comprehend and study what the word of God is saying. Even if it's just one scripture, study it until that scripture becomes embedded in your spirit.

The more you put the word of God in your heart, the more you will desire to walk uprightly before Him. In return, He will shield you, guard you, and preserve the way (which is your destiny) for you. As you increase in God's word, you will increase in wisdom. So be wise and refuse to get caught in a trap that will put a blindfold over your eyese shielding you from the truth of Godly living.


Randi Jo :) said...

thank you for this as always Toia, you're awesome! :)

Rebekah said...

Great words of wisdom, Toia! It's so awesome that God says he gives wisdom to those who ask for it in faith, and he is so good to bless us with sisters who encourage us and remind us to ask for it and seek it. Thank you!