Bible Verse of the Day

Bible Verse of the Day:


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Quench Your Thirst Thursday Is Back!!

It's time for another "Quench Your Thirst Thursday." To understand the purpose of "Quench Your Thirst," please click here!
(Don't forget to come back!! :)

I am resuming my "Quench For Thirst Thursday," because my schedule is coming back into place by this weekend. Quench Your Thirst is about worshiping God, humbling yourself in His presence, and letting Him quench your thirst so that you want thirst anymore. Whatver you thirsting for, whether it's a thirst for free time to spend with Him, a thirst for a sense of direction because you're feeling lost, or a thirst for a closer, deep, and intimate relationship with God, He can quench it.

So to kick off the return for "Quench Your Thirst Thursday" edition #14, I have created a worship video slide of my own. This is the first of many worship/praise slide videos that you would see from me and in turn give God all the glory and praises due to Him.

The song this video is called "Worship Medley" from Shekinah Glory. It's one of my many favorite worship songs. Please, if you will, allow God to just minister to heart and understand that when it comes to worshiping our KING of all kings, our Lord of all lords, our Most High God, we have to worship Him in spirit and in truth.

"But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." (John 4:23-24)

So, enjoy and please remember to pause my playlist to the bottom before viewing the video.

Your Sister in Christ,

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RCUBEs said...

That is a beautiful video!!! Awesome sister! And now that today's so hot, what a great way to remember to quench our thirst with the "living water". To God be the glory! I hope you'll make some more :) God bless.

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Hey pretty girl. Just wanted to stop by and get my spiritual fuel for the weekend. Love you and praying for a safe and fun 4th!

Love, peace and blessings

Joyfulsister said...

HI Toia,
I'm glad to hear you got your prizes, I still have a card and one more item to send.

Hugz Lorie

From the Heart said...

Beautiful post and video.
God bless you for sharing.

LisaShaw said...

Thanks for sharing with us sweetie. I pray all is well and I'm making rounds to wish everyone a blessed 4th of July as we remember our freedom is in CHRIST.

Love and hugs.

Jan Parrish said...

Beautiful Toia.

I've spent more time of Facebook and Twitter than blogging. Haven't visited blogs in weeks- maybe a month. Anyway, just popping in to say, "Happy Independence Day!"