Sunday, September 12, 2010


Have you ever had one of those mornings when your body feels like "blah"? You feel like even though you are physically up walking around, at some point part of you are still laying in bed. you're not thinking straight. You are dragging and feeling sluggish. Hey, you figure, if you can just get one cup of coffee, then your eyes will open and your brain would go into full gear. But then, nothing happens. You're pushing through so hard, in hopes that if you keeping moving that blah feeling might some how wither away. But then, the unthinkable happens, you find yourself on the couch paralyze, unable to move to do all the task that remains undone on the "to-do" list.

Well, I have (more than once to be exact). I learn through the blahness I have to listen to my body. Sometimes, I am going non-stop all week, waking up 4:30 in the morning to get ready for work as well as prepare breakfast for 3 children. Then there's helping with homework, cooking, cleaning, laundry, and all those other things that make your household go round. With all that being said, I know I must take those "blah" feelings seriously and not just push it to aside. Maybe that's my body saying, "slow down, I need a minute."

I know that I have to be wise when it comes to my body, because what use am I, when I am feeling "blah". I am praying over this feeling and taking control of it, then go from there. Most importantly, being obedient to God and just chill for a bit. Obedience is better than sacrifice.

So when or if you are ever feeling blah, ask God for insight and wisdom to identify what your "blah" feeling is. Consider it as receiving a diagnosis, so you know how to treat it in the name of Jesus. Maybe it is as simple as getting some rest or slowing down, but whatever it is just listen to God for instruction. God doesn't want us feeling like that. It's just not part of our salvation benefit packet.



Toia said...

well "blah" feeling turn out to be a stinky virus!! There's no fun in that. Now, is there. So, I am praying healing over my body and by Jesus's stripes, I am heal. I declare it this day, in the mighty name of Jesus!!! Amen and amen!!!

From the Heart said...

I agree with you in prayer that you will be healed in the name of Jesus.

Wanda said...

Very wise words you shared Toia. The Blahs can be r/t to many things. Only after seeking God will we know the right course of action to eradicate that feeling. Hope you'll be over the virus soon. God bless.