Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Monday ~ Labor Day!!!

It's Labor Day!!! Enjoy your day of rest and relaxation!!! Put your feet up!! Go to the park!! Hey, about the beach. There's nothing like walking on the beach and letting the sand get all between your toes, just to rinse them off in the salty and warm water. If you decide not to anything, but watch a few movies and snack all day (while chillin' in your PJs), so be it. Don't feel guilty about resting. God did it himself in Genesis.

So, enjoy!!! I can't wait to hear how some of you spent your Labor day!!!

Glitter Graphics
Glitter Graphics



Wanda said...

Hope you enjoy your day as well.

Unknown said...

I had family in town for the holiday and it was wonderful! I hope you had a restful holiday also!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Hope you had an awesome Labor day!

He & Me + 3 said...

I hope that you were able rest and enjoy your long weekend.

petrii said...

What a beautiful site you have!!! As the page was loading I instantly felt calm as I saw the beauty of you heartfelt site unfold.

I look forward to getting to know you better. Thank you so much for visiting me at my little cottage corner of the blog-world.

Have a Blessed day,