Saturday, May 5, 2012

Celebrating Cinco de Mayo

"Cinco de Mayo is a celebration held on May 5. It is celebrated nationwide in the United States and regionally in Mexico. The date is observed in the United States as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride, and to commemorate the cause of freedom and democracy during the first years of the American Civil War." Quoted from

I didn't realize how many people celebrated Cinco de Mayo and how much they look forward to it. If everything goes according to my schedule today, I will be attending my first Cinco de Mayo party. Yay!!! In addition to having fun with my friends, I am excited about the food, because I love mexican food. The only thing I am not a big fan of is the refried beans.

However, I am definitely a fan of burritos, fajitas, and quesadillas. Yummmmmmm. All this talk about food is making me hungry.  Besides, what's Cinco de Mayo without some delicious SALSA!!! I saw this salsa recipe on the Taste of Home website. It looks so divine and delish. Here's a photo of it taken by Taste of Home.

You can check out the recipe at Taste of Home

Even though you may not participate in Cinco de Mayo, I pray you have a great day and enjoy your weekend!!



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