Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ode to Mother's Day Week: We Are Designer's Originals!!


When God gave me the vision for Designer's Original, He wanted me to help women to understand that we are His original creation. We are His masterpiece, a poem, His priceless work of art. In addition to that, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. God is our Master Designer. Everything He has made is good.

There some women who elude the eloquence of Christ. They inspire us. They encourages. They give us hope. There are also women who have that mother hen syndrome. They know how to keep the peace and balance among friends and family. And that is exactly what my sister in Christ, Sonia does. She is such a sweet and tender hearted person. She is also the very first recipient of the Designer's Original Award. Congratulations!!  You deserve it!!


Today is her birthday!! Happy Birthday Sonia!!! It's a blessing to have her in my life.


We are all Designer's Originals. And to all mothers, continue to always be encourage. If you feel like you are not doing a great job as mother, cancel that thought in the name of Jesus. You are an original creation designed and created by God. He knew you before you knew Him. He knew that someday you will be a mom. So, don't fret. Seek parental guidance from God. He will instruct, lead and carry you along the way. You being a mom is no accident, but a blessing!!



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