Bible Verse of the Day

Bible Verse of the Day:


Sunday, January 10, 2021

Simple Ways to Meditate on God's Word


Meditating on God's word plays an important role in Selah Sunday, especially if you want to reap the full benefits of relaxation and restoration. Before we dive deep into our Selah Sunday, we want to make sure that you understand what it means to meditate on God's word and how it is done.

Meditating on God's word is about focusing intentionally on His promises and His truth.  It's also a way to spiritual discipline.  Meditating on God's word is a process that takes practice and time.  So, don't grow weary in well doing because you will reap a bountiful, soul-rewarding harvest.

Meditate means to focus one's thoughts on; reflect on or ponder over; to plan or project in the mind; intend (to have in mind as a purpose or goal; plan; to direct the mind on),  and purpose.

Ask yourself:  

Why do you want to meditate on God's Word? 

What's your why or purpose?  

What do hope to gain spiritually by meditating and focusing on God's word intentionally? 

The answers to these questions should motivate you and make you more determined to discipline yourself as well as managing your time to accommodate your meditation of God's word.

How do you meditate on God's Word?

1.  Choose a subject, theme, or topic.  For example, faith, love, peace, forgiveness, marriage, etc.

2.  Find a verse or passage that resonates with you and focus on that by reading it daily.  Here's a tip:  write it down on an index card.  Read it while throughout the day.

3. Once you get a routine or process established by focusing on a word or subject, try studying a book in the bible.  There's really no wrong way to study the bible.  You have to figure out what works best for you.

4.  Find a quiet place, play soothing inspirational, classical, or ambient instrumental music.  

5. Light a candle for symbolism, which can be anything you want to serve as a reminder of your purpose for studying and meditating on God's Word.

6.  Decide how long you plan to mediate.  If your attention is very short and it's hard for you to sit still for even a few minutes, take baby steps.  Because meditating on God's word is a process that requires practice, you have to crawl before you can walk.  Start with 5 minutes for about a week or two.  Then 10 minutes followed by 20 minutes.  Next thing you know, you are studying for a full 30 minutes, which may seem like 5 after you get used to it all.

Each week on Selah Sunday, we will give tips as well as information on resources and tools that can help you focus and apply God's word to your everyday life.

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