For today's episode of Wonderful Word Wednesday, we are going to focus on Show, teach, lead and wait.
"Show me Your ways, O Lord;
Teach me Your paths.
Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
For You are the God of my salvation;
On You, I wait all the day."
Show (Strong's #3045; Hebrew word~yada) means to know, learn to know; to perceive and see, find out and discern; to know-how, be skillful in; to have the knowledge, to give character or essence to; and to inform.
Teach (Strong's #3925: Hebrew word~lamad) means to instruct, to teach someone how to learn; to cause to know something; to impart the knowledge; to guide the studies of;
Lead (Strong's #1869; Hebrew word~darak) means to tread, bend, march; to direct on a course or in a direction; to guide someone or something along the way; to tend toward or have a result.
Wait (Strong's #6960; Hebrew word~qavah) means to look eagerly for; look for, hope, expect; to stay in a place of expectation; to remain stationary in readiness; to be ready and available; to pause.
God will show us, teach us, and lead us in all things we need to fulfill our purpose. But, we must be patient throughout the process become disciplined in our waiting. While we wait, we will learn how to cultivate the knowledge of God, become more sensitive to God's presence, be at peace in our hearts, and seek Him first.
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