Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Words of Wisdom Wednesday #2

When pride comes, then comes shame;
But with the humble is wisdom.
(Proverbs 11:3)


To be prideful is to be arrogant, conceited,
and downright stubborn. Many people will sacrifice relationships, jobs, and everything else for that matter for the sake of pride. It is so hard to humble themselves in order to make a wrong.....right. Nothing good ever comes from the result of pride.

Throughout the bible you can read about the consequences of pride. One of those consequences is shame. It's easy to become full of shame when you have lost everything due to pride. You began to realize all that is gone wasn't worth the price you paid for being so prideful and stubborn. You can lose everything with a blink of an eye, if you don't have wisdom. There is no possession in wisdom. Most importantly, there is no wisdom in pride.

However, there is humility in wisdom. This is important. If you are under a spell called pride, you can't hear God when He speaks to you. You can only hear God when you cast down that prideful spell and humble yourself under the mighty hand of God. When Solomom requested wisdom from the Lord, he was in a humble position to receive wisdom. (Please read 1 Kings 3:1-15) That's why God granted Solomon his request for wisdom. God is an all knowing and an all wise God. His word is full of wisdom. And He is the only who can give us wisdom.

When you are humble, God can trust that you would use the wisdom He instills inside your spirit to help out, to build up, and to share His Good News with His people. But if He were to give you wisdom, while you are in the state of pridefulness, you will use God's wisdom to tear people down, to be arrogant, and to take away from people's spirits verses adding to them. God will not allow our gifts (such as wisdom) to be use for bad when it is meant for good. Walk in the path of humility and you will pick up wisdom along the way.

Your Sister in Christ,



Randi Jo :) said...

another awesome post Toia! It is the Truth. I pray to be able to live up to these words! I need to bookmark this entry and this scripture and continually come back to it. I don't want to ever get puffed up with pride!! The devil would love that wouldn't he?

Toia said...

You better believe it. You give that old devil an inch, he takes a mile.