Saturday, March 24, 2012

What Do You Know About Spring


A few Spring Facts that are somewhat interesting:
The first day of spring in the southern hemisphere is the date of the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere, usually in September.

Benjamin Franklin was the first American to propose Dalylight Saving Time in 1784. However, it wasn’t fully implemented in the US until after the Second World War.


Cherry Blossoms, Azaleas, Begonias, Lillies, Marigolds, Daisies, Orchids, are some of the most popular flowers to represent spring.

Children grow faster in spring

Animals and insects associated with spring include the rabbit, butterfly, ladybug, dragonfly and birds.


Things Some People Do in the Spring
1. Spring Cleaning (Cleaning out the old and preparing for the new)
2. Plant Flowers
3. Take a Vacation (Spring Break)
4. Attend Festivals
5. Run/Walk a Marathon
6. Spend More Time Outside
7. Go to the park, lake or beach
8. Fall in Love

Most importantly, which is above everything that is on the list of things people do in the spring , we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  However, this should be celebrated all the time because if it wasn't for God giving His only Son, we would not be free from sin and have everlasting life.



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