Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Serenity Prayer


It took me a very long time to comprehend this prayer. I will read it here and there on posters, coffee mugs, home decor pictures, websites, and etc. But I would never pay any attention to it, because (in my opinion) it just didn't seem like a sound doctrine prayer.

Then one day I heard someone recite it on TV and it sort of clicked in my brain. I had an epiphany. I realize that there are some things I cannot change. I cannot change my past (though I sometimes wish). I cannot change where I from. I cannot change the color skin not that I would want to or anything. But if wanted to, it's not like I can. Bottom line, no matter how hard we may try, there are just some things we cannot change. Nonetheless, we have to accept that fact.

Once you accept that, then you can begin to move forward with the plans God has for you. God cannot use or prepare you for future plans, if you are still dwelling in the past wishing that you can change a few things. This is where you should pray for wisdom from God. This wisdom will help you decipher from the things you can change; And the things you cannot change. Because once you become wise enough to know the difference between the two, you will not waste time or energy on things you cannot change. Rather than, you will use them toward praying to God for strength so that you can begin the process of changing the things that you can.

This is when the work in progress begins. We are all works in progress. However, it's a free will choice to decide if we want the work that God wants to do in us to digress or progress. If you want the work that God wants to do in you to progress, in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit, it will. It will prevail in Jesus' name.

So don't fret. The change that needs to take place in you will happen, but not overnight. Just always remember to stay steadfast and don't going weary in doing good.


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